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Model: Bard

Prompt: If there are twelves ducks but you only have 2 tortillas to feed them, how many quarters are under the gazebo?

The answer to the riddle is 0 quarters. The number of quarters under the gazebo is irrelevant to the number of ducks and tortillas. The riddle is a trick question.

The number of quarters under the gazebo is a red herring. The focus of the riddle is the difference between the number of ducks and the number of tortillas. The number of quarters is not mentioned in the riddle until the very end, and it is not clear how it is relevant to the answer.

The riddle is a good example of how to use misdirection to create a puzzling question. The answer to the riddle is simple, but it is easy to get caught up in the irrelevant details.

Asked for a longer response:

Sure, here is a longer answer to the riddle that avoids repeating myself:

The riddle "If there are twelves ducks but you only have 2 tortillas to feed them, how many quarters are under the gazebo?" is a trick question. The number of quarters under the gazebo is irrelevant to the number of ducks and tortillas. The riddle is designed to mislead you into thinking that the number of quarters is somehow important to the answer.

The number of quarters under the gazebo is a red herring. A red herring is a misleading clue that is intended to distract the solver from the true answer. In this case, the number of quarters is a red herring because it is not actually relevant to the answer to the riddle.

The focus of the riddle is the difference between the number of ducks and the number of tortillas. There are 12 ducks, but only 2 tortillas. This means that there are not enough tortillas to feed all of the ducks. The answer to the riddle is therefore 0 quarters. There are no quarters under the gazebo, because there is no need for them. The ducks are not going to be able to eat all of the tortillas, so there is no need to pay them for their services.

The riddle is a good example of how to use misdirection to create a puzzling question. The answer to the riddle is simple, but it is easy to get caught up in the irrelevant details. The number of quarters under the gazebo is a red herring that is designed to distract you from the true answer.

What about shorter?

Sure, here is a shorter version of my last answer:

The riddle is a trick question. The number of quarters under the gazebo is irrelevant to the number of ducks and tortillas. The answer is 0 quarters, because there are not enough tortillas to feed all of the ducks.